Posts tagged "Answered Yeah"

Is there such things as spells and curses and being psychic because after this, I’m getting curious.

Asked: Is there such things as spells and curses and being psychic because after this, I’m getting curious.

At first I thought these were coincidences but there's been too many of them along with too many detailed correct ones from my friend. Here, I'll give you 4 out of like 100 predictions she got right and actually she's never gotten one wrong. Not with me or anyone else.
Example 1- When we were 15, she told me I would end up dating my guy friend 2 years later, that I barely talked to. Then when I became 17 he asked me out and we dated.
Example 2- She said to me that I would hit a financial issue at age 17. At age 17, my parents took my college money, I nearly went broke…
Example 3- (this was the weirdest one)- On a school week, she said the next day I would find a turtle on the middle of the road in my neighborhood. Guess what? I did!
Example 4- When I was dating the guy friend, she said he would break up with me on January 1st, 2010 and nonetheless he did…
She told me she's not trying to make this happen on purpose. She can just see the future for some reason. I was like, how can someone do that? I'm being honest without exaggeration, she's done these things like 100 times so far, with no fail.

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Posted by Tarrass Soliz - October 14, 2012 at 5:00 am

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