Has anyone out there ever had a psychic reading by Sylvia Browne?

Carol Asked: Has anyone out there ever had a psychic reading by Sylvia Browne?

I had a reading with Sylvia Browne in June 2009, she said several great things were coming my way by the end of 2009 (new job, Mr. Right, etc.). Well it's now mid 2011 and nothing has happened yet, I'm very depressed. I don't know if she's just wrong on her timing or wrong all together. Has anybody had a reading with her? How accurate is she? Thanks for any help.


dead fundie Answered:
I had a brief but torrid affair with Sylvia Browne 5 years ago.In the afterglow of our coitus, she confessed to me that she's a fraud… that's when I broke it off with her.

Mike Answered:
Why, are you filing a class action suit against fraud?Surely you could have looked her up in advance and seen that?

Cookamonga Rheinhold Answered:
I haven't had a "reading" by Sylvia Browne, but I did take a huge crap earlier today and I got about the same amount of information about your future from it.It said that you will suffer humiliation from being a gullible dickbag.

Kilmir Answered:
Silvia Browne is a fraud. I'm sorry you wasted cash on her 🙁

Enough of us have died already end the wars Answered:

Madison Answered:
There are no genuine psychics.No one has any ability to tell you anything about your future.Please visit www.jref.com and www.csicop.com for information about scams like this.

Graybeard Answered:
She is a fraud. She was actually convicted of investment fraud and grand theft in California in the 90s. She told her victims her and her husband were part of a gold-mining venture and needed investments. Turns out, they were funneling the money into their psychic research facility. She also once told a couple on Montel WIlliams their missing son was dead….despite the fact he turned up alive before the show was taped. Proof that Browne is nothing but a con artist

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