Would a guy feel bad if relationship ended mainly because of his mother?

coolchick Asked: Would a guy feel bad if relationship ended mainly because of his mother?

We've been having sex for a couple of months already.We're in our 20s. We both go to school & live with parents. Mom said she has a psychic friend & this friend told her about a probable unwanted pregnancy. Mom freaked out & prohibited us to ever fool around again. Bf also freaked out a bit too, meaning even with double protection, no sex.I Plan on breaking up & for other reasons too. Will he regret that this relationship didn't work out because mom sabotaged our relationship for something like this? Or will he be on mom's side?


Have Fun Every Day Answered:
End it for your reasons not someone Else's. You know you could have sex still right? Any were But break up for your reason and take mom out of the picture. PS He will feel bad anyway!!!!!

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