The Summer Romance Theory….someone with some more spiritual or psychic knowledge?

Logan and Leam Asked: The Summer Romance Theory….someone with some more spiritual or psychic knowledge?

My name is Leam and me and my bro are really curious about something. SUMMER LOVE. i know it sounds like s*** but, we have the easiest time with love, dating, and chicks in the summer. we go to lake forest IL each summer. we have friend up there an we have friends who are girls too. we chill out on the pier, go like 14,00,00,00 times to the candy store, and go swimming in the lake. Every year, something happens, girls in shorts, their hair shining in the sun, wearing bikini tops, we always get like Justin Timberlake's song "Summer Love" ever since our 8th b-day when we started thinking of girls that way, we wondered. idk if we sound like freaks or something, its just something about the heat and the lake that make everyone more attracted to eachother. So, is it true?

p.s. we dont give a fu** if we sound crazy. its cuz were cool like that

L&L 14 year old twins who are BOSS!


notme Answered:
True that
Grey Answered:
warmer air/temperature increases sweat.. which carries the scent of pheromones better than cold weather does.. add to that women start showing more skin.. There is nothing psychic or spiritual about it.. everyone gets that way.
Blair Answered:
who more better to ask then your own sister huh?!?! just come downstairs and ill tell you. an yes Leam, its true

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