Psychics, intuitive people, anyone.could he be alive?

betty Asked: Psychics, intuitive people, anyone.could he be alive?

someone i admire, there are rumors go around that he died yesterday. his body hasn't been found but many think he died
i had a dream about him last night, he was taking refuge in my house and i felt so much love for him it was a nice feeling but i could also feel his uneasiness, he was scared

what do you think


Howard Edwards Answered:
I think education has failed you,there are no Psychics.

FTWman Answered:
Oh yea, he's at your house all right.

Right under the floorboards under your bed.

Jfredrick Answered:
Well i am sure you can check out for yourself if the person you admire has really died or not. If not go have a tea with Him, and if he has died he is now in Gods hands

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