"Dolly Llama" (original)

People mentioned in this song include: 1. a psychic in Brooklyn 2. my writing partner Amy "Supah Fantastic" "Vitamin A" B. 3. Musical Evan 4. Lady Gaga 5. The Wizard of Oz (but is any song /not/ about the Wizard of Oz? I ask you). This is the debut YouTune on my new guitar. New guitar! I love it so. Best heard over amplification, but just as champagne is optimal chilled, yea tho we will drink of her in whatever temperate form she take, the new guitar is in full effect acoustically and as translated via the imperfect medium of the Apple soft/hardware suite. Sixty-six takes and not a perfect one in the bunch! As a wise teacher told me, "every great drawing deserves one or more tremendous f*** ups." And there we have it, Dear Viewers 🙂