When will the fiery planet Mars be exalted in Capricorn? & What does it mean ?

Asked: When will the fiery planet Mars be exalted in Capricorn? & What does it mean ?

lol i'm not fairly knowledgeable in astrology (yet)
but anyway, a psychic reader told me my wife would be angry then?


with due regard to the learned psychic; this hold no rational.And, unfortunately such attempts do give a bad name to astrology, specifically vedic astrology. Thus, it means nothing but pure speculation based upon probability statistics.

As regard to transit of Mars is concerned, it will be entering Capricorn zodiac sign on 19 December 2012.And, because Mars becomes exalted (positively strong) in Capricorn – it is supposed to give positive results related to the attributes owned by him in your horoscope.

i guess i mars u hehe i u <3

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