Posts tagged "TOTAL"

I have a follow up on my belief that I’m Psychic?

Asked: I have a follow up on my belief that I’m Psychic?

Hey, I'm going to add more information on what has been going on with me. Lately I have been seeing things… Weird things… Such as orbs of light and shadows…. Shadow people… I finally decided to talk to my uncle about this… He can communicate with the dead, and he's psychic… I explained to him what is going on… He told me that he went through the same thing… And that I am psychic.. He told me that I shouldn't be scared… It's a blessing… Not a curse… We're different…. No in a bad way, but in a good way…He said that it can run in the family…. He also told me that I have TOTAL control… Please don't leave hate on this, I'm just trying to update my last post, and help others who are going through what I am going through… Thanks!

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Posted by Tarrass Soliz - November 23, 2012 at 6:00 am

Categories: Psychics Questions   Tags: ,