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Had a dream about the second coming of Jesus, what does this mean?

Asked: Had a dream about the second coming of Jesus, what does this mean?

I have a question? Twonights ago, i had a dream about Jesus's return, he gathered us all up and walked us up too hill and into a cathedral like cabin. Inside of it, it appeared to be a wood planked room with a large table in the middle; kind of like the last supper type of table. My question is, during the time we were waiting for others to arrive, I asked him questions such as "was everything I thought was going to happen, coming to pass?"
and he answered jokingly "Well its obvious, is it not?" and my wife looked at him and said, "So my husband was really psychic?" and Jesus said, "well, I dont know about that, more like a messenger to help others to believe in the word of thy Father."
Not sure if you ever had a dream like this but it seemed like Jesus was very laid back and forgiving, even though i have sinned, he excepted my family and I to be brought back to heaven. One guy sitting next ot me at the table made a joke about sticking around to see what is actually going to happen. Jesus said to him with a smile, "Trust me, you dont want to stick around to see what happens, its not going to be pretty."
Also I have a toe nail that always gets infected and puts me in dyer pain, so Jesus walks up to me and puts his toe on mine and presses on it, so I get painfully psyched, he then looks at me and says dont worry ill fix that. So as his toe is on my toe it instantly heals my toenail.
Anyway what do you think this dream means????? I am using my wife's account by the way. So please don't refer to me as Jess lol.

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  • what does it mean when you dream about the second coming
  • Dreaming of the coming of Jesus
  • had a dream about the second coming of jesus what does this mean
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  • dreams about jesus second coming
  • dreaming about jesus second coming
  • dreaming of the second coming
  • what does it mean when you dream about jesus
  • What does it mean if I dream of the return of jesus

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Posted by Tarrass Soliz - July 25, 2012 at 5:05 am

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