Posts tagged "PT"

can i be a vampire? I relait to all of these! If i am who can turn me?

Asked: can i be a vampire? I relait to all of these! If i am who can turn me?

As a kid, were you the strongest, smartest, or quickest kid in the class, and at around 16 years of age maybe all 3?
Are you extremely energetic at night but around the time the sun comes up become extremely tired
Are you a slightly quicker healer than most, if not a much quicker healer?
Do you have an unusually high tolerance to alcohol and other poisons/toxins?
Do you tend to switch between very social and antisocial frequently?
Do you tend to switch between very social and antisocial frequently?
Are your six senses more enhanced than most other peoples, i.e. vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, and intuition?
Do you have extremely good vision in the dark? How many times has some one said its too dark they cant see while you were doing something like reading
Do you tend to NOT be surprised or scared by the typical sudden loud noise in a movie or things like that because you sensed it coming
1Do you tend to react to things like catching a falling object or other normally unexpected things at an almost psychic speed? (As if you were expecting it to happen)?
Are you sensitive to light or the heat from it? (Ranging from getting a bad headache from the glare to burning very easily.)do you bleed quite noticeably less than a person normally should, or more likely not bleed at all?
Is your bedroom the darkest room in the house?
According to multiple news articles easily found online, older adults cant hear this sound. So far I haven't found someone over 36 who is a non-vamp that can. click to try to hear it. Warning: if you can hear it, it will be loud.
How often do you look at the person that almost bumped (or bumped) into you and think "you idiot or people are so stupid" because they didn't know you were only a couple feet away from them, because you always know when someone is that close to you? (Which, when you think about it, you only know because you can sense when someone is that close to you).
Do you always feel a strong urge to travel
How often does something smell so strong that you can literally taste it, whether its a good thing or a bad thing?
Can you hear a whisper from across a room?
Is there a dark colored ring around the iris (color part) of your eyes?
Does sunlight/bright light in general hurt your eyes and head, in most cases to the point of a migraine?
Do electrical appliances generally tend to hate you?
Are your dreams often extremely vivid and sometimes result in cases of djvu?
Do people often find you very empathetic to how they feel?
Do people usually either trust you completely or not trust you at all?
25. When you will things to happen do they usually happen?
26.Does your mood have an obvious effect on the mood of others around you? Only count this if it happens to the people that cant see you.
Do you have unusually pale skin? You don't have to be white to be pale
Are you a naturally strong

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Posted by Tarrass Soliz - February 2, 2013 at 6:02 am

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