Posts tagged "GOD"

I have dreams about the future?

Asked: I have dreams about the future?

Since I was a young child I would remember of having dreams that would show me the future. Most of the times they were not elaborate. Just visions of my friends and I sitting around laughing wearing the same clothes. By the age of 10 started having more elaborate dreams. I started having dreams of my wife before I met her which today is the same exact lady in my dreams when I was 10. I had dreams of my two sons which I already had names picked out. I Told my wife we would have 2 boys when we started dating. I also had a dream that I was at a funeral looking at pictures not knowing who those the people in those picture were.months later a good friend of mine past away and I was wearing the exact clothes and the exact place standing next to my exact friend looking at my picture with my friend who passed away. My very last dream i had. i remember vividly I woke up and told my wife that I had a dream of a fighter air jet crashing i asked her if I should tell anyone and she says just go back to sleep. That afternoon an air show was taking place and the local news stated that a fighter jet from the air show crashed. My wife has always told me to look up and see what google has to say about these dreams shethinks its freaky that I have these dreams. Does this happen to anyone else. Am I to believe that I might have psychic abilities and how could i strengthen my gift and use it to help other people. one more thing. I also have dreams of people right before they pass away. I have told my wife I had a dream about so and so and couple hours later we get a phone call saying that someone passed away last night. Sorry to keep blabbing just want answers to why I am having these dreams

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Posted by Tarrass Soliz - December 1, 2012 at 6:00 am

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