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is this a sign(my dream) ??please psychic people help me,,,i dont feel good?

Asked: is this a sign(my dream) ??please psychic people help me,,,i dont feel good?

its been lately that i have dreams about 3 moons in the sky and always ends with either a crazy rain storm or earth quake, the other time i was in a house made with old japanese green straws and one side was a cross the other side was star of david and i was forced to stay in there until i woke up.
this other time there was a girl same as my age, i was living with her family in an old house made with mud. i was following her and she pushed me in a wall and i end up in a different place, which i end up seeing the 3 moons in the sky again and a huge rain came and i was crying so i woke up.
also every thursday night at 12:30 i hear a girls foot step very loud walking for exactly 8 seconds but nobodys out.
im very afraid in my room and im 20 f. i dont believe in anything paranormal but now im just scared idk what this signs are please help me
its either her or an old man in my dreams no other people

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Posted by Tarrass Soliz - November 3, 2012 at 5:00 am

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