psychics, intuitive people, anyone.could he be alive?

betty Asked: psychics, intuitive people, anyone.could he be alive?

someone i admire, there are rumors go around that he died yesterday. his body hasn't been found but many think he died
i had a dream about him last night, he was taking refuge in my house and i felt so much love for him it was a nice feeling but i could also feel his uneasiness, he was scared

what do you think


Free to be Answered:
I'm very, very sorry for your loss. Dreams are a reflection of our experiences and emotions. However, there's a possibility that he could be alive, but I don't think you should dwell on it because if he's not then it will be very disappointing.

Jennifer Hernandez Answered:
Dreams have meanings a lot of times when you dream about something someone, There's a message in it for you.

Any who, Sorry about what has happened. However don't jump just yet find out the truth and get to know the source…There might be more to this than meets the eye'.

Also you can always call the police and check with them.

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