Need ideas for an astrology party! I’m having psychic come to do readings for everyone?

Asked: Need ideas for an astrology party! I’m having psychic come to do readings for everyone?

I will have individual gift bags for everyone and astrology sign guessing games. But what else could I do? Should it be costume themed? Thinking of doing girls only! I dont think guys would enjoy it? Right? Even if you believe in this stuff, you never admit lol 😉

So what are some other ideas?


the food should be "out of this world" themed. maybe have your house decroated. i think dressing up is a little too out there. but decorating your home and making it feel like space like would be cool. maybe dim your lights, have a lot of candles. i dont know about games though!!! dont forget hummus theres never any party without it. haha! i hope you have a blast!!! but clever idea!!

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