Need help remembering title of 1990’s anime from childhood!?

zach Asked: Need help remembering title of 1990’s anime from childhood!?

The basic plot that I remember is …

starts off with a group of girls in a woodland area practicing catching leaves with their psychic power, main character ends up getting kidnapped and brought to the above city, which is polluted as h*ll.turns out that one of her friends from the underground academy of psychics (or some title like that) is a spy for the government and their escape attempts for leaving the planet fails.the sad story ends as their consciousness appears as a ghost image, they appear to cave men on earth (main story takes place on mars you find out eventually) and they warn future earth generations not to make their same mistakes.

alright, know it's a crap *** description, possibly movie since the last time i saw it i was 7, but i want to remember it and need help with a title.THANKS.


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