looking for a real psychic..need help finding direction!?

Lyds Asked: looking for a real psychic..need help finding direction!?

Try the Bible.


Friend Answered:
There is NO real PSYCHIC..thats a bunch of crap. Pray to god, and find some peace
Dafsf Dsafsadfas Answered:
Use google map?

Use tarot card, dowsing on a map, praying…

K Answered:
Here I am
Keith Kartiye Answered:
Try predicting the future where someone gives you the answer to this question so that you know how to improve your abilities. I'm sorry but you sound like a teenager maybe around 14 years old who watches a lot of movies or anime.

Daydreams are not to be confused with reality.

You experience confirmation bias. The few times you predict something right you become so sure of yourself, and you discredit the times you get stuff wrong. Basically you seek out the results you're looking for while ignoring all of the proof that you arn't psychic. Also you experience availability heuristic, which means to say that you overestimate the amount of times rare events happen. When something is rare or extraordinary and happens only every so often, human beings have a tendency to think it happens all the time.

Stephen Answered:
Many individuals have such encounters with what they would refer to as a "psychic" ability. A sixth sense. Some have such experiences quite often, some it is seldom and some do not at all. Some believe in them and some as well do not. With those individuals who do claim to have such abilities, they will tell you they are very real and even the science community has done some recent experiments and compiled data that does point in the direction of humans having such abilities.

Some do have more of a degree of psychic awareness and can be more tuned into their inner abilities and with others it does take a little more practice.It is as well that such inner abilities can be passed down from one generation to another but most everyone has a degree of psychic abilities.

If you are trying to become more connected to your inner abilities , I would recommend trying meditation. It is a very good way to become more inner connected with yourself as well as a great way to become more at peace . Good luck and take care.

B Answered:
Thats what you get for being friends with someone who uses witchcraft and as a religion.
Slutborn the Ravager Answered:
Some day were both gonna die our bodies will rot and maggots will live in us So lets be happy, be happy, be happy

When I walk I walk the long way.
Enjoying every step I make

I celebrate my birthday once every two years
So now my life will go by twice as slow
Im a genius

Someday were both gonna die, our bodies will rot and maggots will live in us
So lets be happy, be happy, be happy

Someday everything you own right now will be sold or destroyed, when you die
So lets be happy, be happy, be happy

When I get a hot-dog I get two
Just one hot-dog will not do

And don't drink too much water
If you do you will explode

Someday were both gonna die, our bodies will rot and maggots will live in us
So lets be happy, be happy, be happy

Someday everything you own right now will be sold or destroyed, when you die
So lets be happy, be happy, be happy

Someday were both gonna die, our bodies will rot and maggots will live in us
So lets be happy, be happy, be happy

Someday everything you own right now will be sold or destroyed, when you die
So lets be happy, be happy, be happy

Be happy, Be happy, Be happy, Be happy,
Be happy, Be happy, Be happy,
Just shut up and be happy

Someday were both gonna die, our bodies will rot and maggots will live in us
So lets be happy, be happy, be happy

Someday everything you own right now will be sold or destroyed, when you die
So lets be happy, be happy, be happy

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  • availability heuristic belief in psychic abilities
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