Lawrence Leung’s Unbelievable – Psychics | Episode 1 – Part 1 (of 2)

Part 2: Lawrence Leung's Unbelievable – The new adventures of intrepid sceptic and comic Lawrence Leung are revealed in a fascinating and fun series that investigates the unbelievable. With his curious not so scientific research and real-life experiments, Lawrence Leung's Unbelievable pokes fun at our own misconceptions and tests the limits of our beliefs. It's a six-part search for truth that you will have to see to believe. In this first episode, Lawrence sets out to discover if psychic powers exist. Lawrence encounters Australia's best psychic, an American who can drive a car blindfolded, and ultimately transforms himself into a psychic to try to win a million dollars. Aired on Wednesday, June 15 2011 (ABC1). #unbelieve