In a psychic empathy experience, do you only feel emotions directed to you?

kathiwilliams70 Asked: In a psychic empathy experience, do you only feel emotions directed to you?

If a person is having high emotions that you can actually feel as if they were your own (and yeah i can feel empathy for others in a general way duh), the question is will you just feel the high emotions that they are having about you, or any high emotions to others?I am confused on this and the person I am referencing is one who does not share his emotional states verbally that easily, he keeps it bottled up.So I can't ask him who he was having these feelings for (i have, no answer that's how he is embarrassed or private either way, I STILL FELT HIS EMOTIONS, just don't know if they were directed to me.Is it common to have psychic empathy for high emotions a person has that aren't directed to you but are something being felt about other people?I'm confused how that works.


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