I went to psychic readings, nobody can tell me sex of my baby, any psychics here?

Asked: I went to psychic readings, nobody can tell me sex of my baby, any psychics here?

This isnt a joke. Im early in my pregnancy but I would really like to know the sex of my baby. The psychics online , I message & called, but it all cost money that I dont have. I dont have credit card, nothing. So I decided Id try here. Any help?


see a doctor
LOL nice one, troll!
Please stop soliciting for on line services in your posts.
Doctors, easy concept for someone with a limited intelligence.
now im a little out of practice with baby sexing, lately ive been telling people about their economic futures, but from you im getting a very strong wave of alpha particles indicating that your baby will be a male. he will also have a type A personality and long luscious locks like the strong noble trees of narnia.
You are supposed to stay away from psychics.Why are you concerned about what sex your baby is.I hope you are not considering abortion because that is murder.Turn to Jesus Christ, pray, and read the Bible.
If your looking to physic's instead of doctors, you should just abort now
*flips coin*

I predict a girl!*

im thinking a boy with blue eyes. but im not one to say im psychic.
I'm not a psychic, but I know something that can help you. Go to Google and look up 'Chinese Gender Predictor Chart.' This was used by ancient Chinese people thousands of years ago, and it was extremely accurate. But it may not be accurate today, but approximately accurate. In fact, I looked at the dates of people I knew, and the chart displayed the same genders they are! Personally, I think it's incredible. You should try it!
No. I'm not a psychic, but go to the doctor. When you go for an ultrasound scan, ask the technician (a medical diagnostic sonographer),for the baby's gender. Depending on the placement of the umbilical chord, they will give you the most accurate information about the sex of your baby.
it'saboy !

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