How do you do this? I need help.?

Jessica Asked: How do you do this? I need help.?

a "psychic" runs the following ad in a magazine: expecting a baby? renowned psychic will tell you the sex of the unborn child from any photograph of the mother. cost $10. money back guarentee.

Suppose that the psychic simply replies "boy" to all inquiries. In the worst case, everyone who has a girl will ask for her money back. Find the expected value of the psychic's profit

probability for a boy .51

girl: .49

what is the psychics profit?

the expected value?


hayharbr Answered:
0.51 10 = 5.1
0.49 0 = 0
expected value = 5.1 + 0 = $5.10

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  • a psychic runs the following ad in a magazine