Has this ever happened to you?

Asked: Has this ever happened to you?

You noticed that it hasn't rained for a while. Then, a few minutes later. it starts to rain. Or when you noticed you haven't talked to one of your friends in a while and then when you go out shopping you randomly ran into him or her at the mall. It's like you have psychic powers or something.


It's like when I drink a beer.[I hardly ever drink}
the police pull me over and breath test me,
or if there's someone that I'd love to avoid………Bam! there they are ready and waiting to ask me a million stupid questions.
stuff like that aint even weird anymore
Yes, it's intuition and Murphy's Law.
That happened to me only yesterday. I'd ordered a new red and black fur coat and it hadn't arrived yet, even though it had already been three weeks. My mum and I were talking in my bedroom about random things and I happened to bring up the subject about my coat, and how I think it was lost in the post. I told her that I wasn't going to build my hopes up that it would arrive. Literally as we were talking about it there was a big knock on the door and it was here at last. I couldn't believe the timing of that.
I wouldn't call it psychic powers because that can take on bad connotations but I do notice that things like that happen. Many times I am thinking about a friend and call them, then they say they were going to call me.
Yes, it happens to me a lot. I'll think about something random, or a friend I haven't talked to in a long time, and the random thing I thought about happens, and my friend will text me. It's so weird.

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