Does anyone have contact information for a psychic or a prophet?

Maria Asked: Does anyone have contact information for a psychic or a prophet?

Just need q little advice right now


Loosey Answered:
You don't find them.They find you.
They are there to take your money or manipulate you in another way to their advantage.
The Chook Answered:
Maybe you should contact a Psychiatrist.
Pytr Pytr Answered:
Psychics and prophets don't exist, so no. There are only charlatans pretending to be psychics or prophets.
Blaise Rascal Answered:
There are no Prophets alive today. Psychics are frauds for the most part.
I'd suggest you look within yourself. I'm sure you have more than enough wisdom and brain to solve your own dilemmas.
blahblahblah Answered:
Unlike these people i'll acctully give you a good one. He has guided me many times..
His names Jacob Komyatte he has some of the best advice.
He helped me get through alot of things. He'd really help you….
Tell him david sent you and he'll understand and he won't ask for a dime! His a really helpful person!

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