Any real psychics out there? Do i start a relationship w/ my crush or a stranger?

Gray Area Asked: Any real psychics out there? Do i start a relationship w/ my crush or a stranger?

Organized religion is about controlling you. So any ideas that threaten that control are generally forbidden by whatever con artist, I mean religion who has your ear.


anthony h Answered:
If you are asking in sincerity then know that God told us that we are not to worship the stars, It is nothing wrong with studying astrology, we are just not to whore in behind it as a replacement for God.

God told us about the stars, and study of them should be to help us more with knowing weather, horticulture and agriculture, and the seas.We should know about the moon and it's phases and how it effects the earth, we are not to follow this into idolatry or things of darkness though.

Yahswatchman Answered:
You answered your own question. Astrology includes other deities (satan in various suits) that are attached to familiar spirits, deception, etc. associated with myths of astrology. As far as Carl Jung is concerned, he was a total basket-case if you know anything about him. Briefly:

Carl Jung was the second best known and respected of the great MASTERS of the religion of psychology. Carl Jung was a Swiss Satanist, he grew up in a home so demonically influenced that his mother kept a diary of the daily activities of demons in their house. He experienced his first psychic vision when he was three years old. His grandfather was a master Mason. Carl was a heavily demonized occultist. Jung was one of those who brought about the idea of inner healing, healing yourself from within, by yourself. He said the Holy Spirit came to him once in the form of a dog.

Carl Jung received credit for giving occultic techniques a scientific image. He, like Silva, Hill and Bach, had a Spirit guide. He had a Spirit guide named Philemon that taught him; the secrets of life were in your imagination. Philemon lead Jung into discoveries that reinforced his major theories, including the collective unconscious and archetypal images. Although Philemon didnt appear as Jungs Spirit guide until after Freud and Jungs break up, Jung had been deeply involved in occultism since his childhood, like his parents, grandparents and other relatives before him. In 1920 while visiting a friends house, he woke to see the head of an old woman lying next to him, the right eye, wide open glared at me. I leapt out of bed with one bound, lit a candle and spent the rest of the night in an armchair

The home in which his mother was raised was so infested with ghosts and evil spirits, that as a girl, she had to hold the spirits at bay long enough for her father (who was himself a medium as well as a Protestant minister) to write out his SUNday sermon. This man used to hold intimate conversations with his deceased first wife on a regular basis every week even with his second wife knowing what he was doing. His second wife also saw spirits on a regular basis. Jung said his mother was very loving during the day but at night she seemed uncanny, she would become archaic and ruthless, like a seer. After Jungs maternal grandfathers death, his alleged Spirit spoke through a cousin of Jungs in seances which Jung attended avidly during his student days in Basel. Jungs maternal grandmother once remained in a trance for three days, during which she described accurately persons unknown to her, but whose actual existence was later proved. With this background, it should not be surprising that Jung himself confessed I too have an archaic nature. Carl Jung was deeply involved in occultic experiences all his life and he was the, teacher of the teachers of psychology. Jungs psychic life was kept secret most of his life and his doctoral thesis of 1899 on Psychology and Pathology of So-called Occult Phenomena, remained almost unknown. If this would have been divulged it would have created havoc with Jungs standing in the world of science, and this religion of psychology would have probably been dis-banded many years ago. To this day most psychologists dont know or wont accept the truth about their great leader and their teacher of teachers.

Set fire to the rain Answered:
Nope. but they are all just as crazy

Cinnamon Answered:
my grandma was

Mary Monkton Answered:
True. Me. I think I have just a small hint of psychic in me. I've predicted things before they happened and had a couple premonition-like dreams. I sh*t you not.

Amber Liversedge Answered:
I can be one sometimes 🙂
other than that, nobody.

M Answered:
True, my dad.

He can predict when it's gonna rain. His knee always hurts a day before. And he can also predict which Middle Eastern country is gonna start a war next.

Brian Answered:

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